Peace can be best realised when there is freedom, equality and justice. Do you agree?

It is right to say that Peace can be best realised when there is freedom, equality and justice.

a. Freedom allows people to express their views freely in the society and justice and equality helps in removing conflict from the society.

b. When equality exists in the society, most people get their share hence lesser confliction among the people. Henceforth peace could be established.

c. When a society is justiciable, people have lesser say against others. Because the citizens of the state are assured that any atrocity against them would be treated with justice. Hence peace gets established.

We can take example of India, where there are lesser confliction among the groups or people as compared to nations like Iraq, Iran, Myanmar etc. Because in Indian constitution the three feature equality, Freedom and Justice are imbibed and forms the basic structure. Henceforth we find lesser internal aggression or war like situation in our country.