Drinking water is becoming a rare commodity. Industrial development is filling our rivers, seas and oceans with toxic pollutants which are a major threat to human health. You are deeply saddened to see water pollution as an appalling problem, which is powerful enough to lead the world on a path of destruction. Write a letter to the Editor of Express News to make the public aware about the causes of water pollution and also suggest the measures to prevent water pollution. (About 100 -120 words)

You may use the clues given below:

• Causes of Water Pollution

• industrial waste

• sewage and waste water

• mining activities

• accidental oil leakage

• burning of fossil fuels

• urban development

Suggestive measures

• prevent river water to get polluted

• treatment of wastes before discharge

• treatment of drainage water

• routine cleaning

• self hygiene

• public Awareness

Prakriti Nagar

G. B. Road


22 February 2017

The Editor

Express News


Subject – Public awareness towards water pollution.


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the public towards the plight caused by water pollution. Man has become so busy building tall buildings, super highways and modern factories that our natural resource, water, is ignored. Industrial and sewage waste, rampant mining activities, accidental oil leakage, rising urban development and burning of fossil fuels have led to severe water pollution. Water is so polluted, that it is unfit for consumption and household use. It is high time we raised serious concerns about water pollution. As suggestive measures to curb water pollution, river water must be prevented from getting polluted. Wastes in any form should be treated before discharge into the river water. Routine cleaning of the water systems and treatment of drainage water should be made mandatory. Civic sense to maintain proper self-hygiene must be inculcated among the citizens.

I therefore earnestly request you to publish the matter of water pollution in the columns of your newspaper to draw the attention of the public. This way, public attention will be drawn and immediate remedial actions can be adopted. I am hopeful of receiving favourable response from your end. Let us make our waters clean and safe.

Yours faithfully,