In Fig. 10.89, if tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle such that APS = 30° and chord AC is drawn parallel to the tangent PB, then ABC =


APB = 30°

Property 1: If two tangents are drawn to a circle from one external point, then their tangent segments (lines joining the external point and the points of tangency on circle) are equal.

Property 2: Sum of all angles of a triangle = 180°

By property 1,

PA = PB (tangent from P)



By property 2,

PAB + PBA + APB = 180°

PAB + PBA + 30° = 180°

PAB + PBA = 180° - 30°

PAB + PBA = 150°

PBA + PBA = 150° [∵∠PAB = PBA]

2PBA = 150°

PBA = 75°


PBA = CAB = 75° [Alternate angles]

PBA = ACB = 75° [Alternate segment theorem]

Again by property 2,

CAB + ACB + CBA = 180°

75° + 75° + CBA = 180°

150° + CBA = 180°

CBA = 180° - 150°

CBA = 30°

Hence, CBA = 30°