What is special or different about the kind of objectivity needed in social science?

The special or different kind of objectivity is needed in social science. This is called 'value neutrality'. According Max Weber, it is the duty of sociologists to identify and acknowledge their own values and to overcome their personal biases while conducting sociological research. It does not mean that one should not have opinions; however it means that the sociologists must try to overcome personal biases, particularly subconscious biases, at the time of analyzing data.

It is important for sociologists to understand the subject matter of sociology in an objective manner. For this, a sociologist will have to study and record the views of people and their personal beliefs in a neutral way through empathetic understanding. The sociologists must not try to skew data in order to match a predetermined outcome that aligns with a particular agenda.

The social scientists are also a part of society. So it is unique and at the same time difficult to maintain such objectivity.