Notice these expressions in the text.

Infer their meaning from the context.

i) Remove: ii) Kept in: iii) Sadist: iv) Slackers:

v) Got carried away: vi) Shrivelled up: vii) Muck:

viii) Cut:

i) Remove: By remove Taplow meant to say examination result. He meant to say that if he will get better “remove” then he will be in next term.

ii) Kept in: Grounded

iii) Sadist: A person who derives happiness from hurting someone or giving pain to someone.

Explanation: In this text, Taplow is telling about Crocker-Harris to Frank that he is “sadist”.

iv) Slackers: The students who is not able to clear exam or next term.

v) Got carried away: getting very excited or lose control

Explanation: like Taplow lost his control while talking about Crocker-Harris with Frank.

vi) Shrivelled up: Literally shrivelled up means dry up or mummify.

Explanation: In this text it means that something that made Shrivelled up unhappy from inside and that “something” relates to Crocker-Harris who doesn’t like being liked

vii) Muck: Muck means useless, In this text Taplow indicating book as muck as he thinks that hard Greek words used in it is muck and a lengthy drama too which is totally useless and Science is much better than that.

viii) Cut: escape