This short story revolves around a single important event. Discuss how the narrative is woven around this central fact.

There is only one important event in the story, which is Iona's mission to share his grief and suffering with someone to ease his pain.

The narrative is woven around this one objective of the narration. Iona is an old cab driver, who had low income and had recently lost his son to death. His heart was full of grief and he wished to turn to another soul to pour his sufferings out to, but he failed miserably. His passengers all reject his attempts at sharing his story and this overwhelms him. His agony and despair grow when he realizes that he is an alien in this society. His horse is the only one he can turn to, in order to share his grief as it listens patiently.

The main event of the story is Iona's struggle and vain attempts to overcome his grief and the narrative revolves around it.