Within a few pages, the author has packed the important events in the lives of John Ipe and his wife. Discuss how conciseness and economy of expression can achieve effective portrayal of entire lives.

Author of the story Pappachi’s Moth, Arundhati Roy, designed a beautiful plot in a few pages with giving a serious message to everyone. She put her words in flowery pattern describing everything with a strong message in a brief. She described a life of a husband and his wife. She tried to show the difference between a man and a woman, she put a picture of a man as a cruel one who exploits her wife ad that was Pappachi, John Ipe on the other side a woman who was Mammachi being exploited by her husband she still coping with that situation and never stopped loving her husband. Her husband feels jealous when she gets appreciated from her pickle business and from violin classes. This shows that men dominant them and women accept as it is in our society. Roy ends up giving a message that Pappachi even not got that fame and was deadly doing great than her wife but her wife got fame and names both doing such small things because she was a pure soul. She still loves her husband. Roy given a message that a woman is to be respected because she deserves that.