How did the narrator adjust to the ways of life first in London and then in Cambridge, U.S.A.?

The narrator talks and describes his ways of adjusting to the lifestyle in London and then in U.S.A in the story by stating incidents, he tells his readers that in London he was a bachelor and used to work in a library so that he could meet his bare minimum expenses. Narrator then describes that he used to attend the LSE lectures after his work. He also clearly describes his living conditions were not that great as to he had to share his room with many other friends, eating egg curry repeatedly, dining table covered with newspaper, soaking dirty curry pots in the bathing tub, walking on the streets over the weekends barefoot he in the story states his stay and living in London to be lazier also not earning well. In the later, half of the story he moves to U.S.A after getting a permanent job in the university. He then states to get married, travels by flight from London to U.S.A, he then describes the YMCA apartment to be noisy and small with less air ventilation. There were rules of no cooking which resulted him in eating cornflakes and milk day and night. He also tells that he was financially not were well off hence continued to stay in a student expenses.