The underlined words in the following sentences have been jumbled up. Write them in their correct form.

(a) Loca is obtained from mines.

(b) Umpetlore is a fossil fuel.

(c) Rineryfe is a place where various fractions of petroleum are separated.

(d) Keenrose is a fuel used in jet crafts.

(e) Nutsgilh is an example of inexhaustible natural resources.

a) Coal

Coal is formed deep under the surface of earth which is obtained by digging them. The places where coal are found are known as coal mines.

b) Petroleum

Petroleum is formed from dead remains of plants and animals and hence are known as fossil fuels.

c) Refinery

The various products are obtained from petroleum by refining process in a refinery. The products are obtained by fractional distillation process.

d) Kerosene

Kerosene is a product obtained by refining of petroleum which is used as a fuel in jet crafts, stoves, lamps etc.

e) Sunlight

Sunlight is available in unlimited quantity in nature and cannot be exhausted by human activities. So it is an inexhaustible natural resource.