The table shows the time for elevators take to travel various distances. Find which elevator is fastest and which is slowest.

How much distance will be travelled by elevators B and C separately in 140 secs? Who travelled more and by how much?

on the basis of given table

Elevator A takes 29s to cover 435m

Distance covered by elevator A in 1s =

Elevator B takes 28s to cover 448m.

Distance covered by elevator B in 1 s =

Elevator C takes 10s to cover 130m

Distance covered by elevator C in 1s =

Elevator D takes 5s to cover 85 m

Distance covered by elevator D in 1s =

Hence, in 1s, elevator D covers more distance as compare to elevator A, B and C. so, elevator D is fastest, while elevator C covers least.

Hence elevator C is slowest.

Now, elevator B covers distance in 140s = 140× 16 = 2240m

Elevator C covers distance in 140s = 140× 13 = 1820m

Elevator B covers more distance than C = 2240-1820 = 420m