When the branches of a plant growing in the field are pulled towards the ground and a part of them is covered with moist soil (leaving the tips of the branches exposed above the ground), then after some time new roots develop from the parts of branches buried in the soil. On cutting these branches from the parent plant, new plants are produced from the cut parts of branches which had developed roots.

(a) What is this method of propagation of plants known as ?

(b) What type of branches should a plant have to be able to be propagated by this method ?

(c) Name any two plants which are grown for their flowers and propagated by this method.

(d) Name any two plants which are grown for their fruits and propagated by this method

(e) Name one plant which gets propagated by this method naturally by forming runners (soft horizontal stems running above the ground).

(a) This method of propagation of plants is known as layering.

(b) Slender branches (Thin branches)

(c) Jasmine and China rose plants are grown for their flowers and propagated by layering method.

(d) Lemon and guava plants are grown for their fruits and propagated by layering method.

(e) Strawberry plant reproduces naturally by layering method by forming runners (soft horizontal stems running above the ground).