If 213x27 is divisible by 9, then the value of x is 0.


Here it’s given 213x27 is divisible by 9,where x is a digit. As this number 213x27 is divisible by 9, then when we sum up the digits of this number it should be a multiple of 9.

So, when we add all the digits, of the number 213x27,we get

2 + 1 + 3 + x + 2 + 7 = 15 + x.

Then 15x should be equal to any multiple of 9.i.e.9,18,27,etc

When a number is divisible by 9 then when we sum up the digits of that number it results in a multiple of 9.

Here, lets assume 15 + x = 18

x = 3