This graph shows the per cent of students who dropped out of school after completing High School. The point labelled A shows that, in 1996, about 4.7% of students dropped out.

A) In which year was the dropout the rate highest? In which year was it the lowest?

B) When did the per cent of students who dropped out of high school first fall below 5%?

C) About what per cent of students dropped out of high school in 2007? About what per cent of students stayed in high school in 2008?

A) From the given graph, the dropout rate is highest in the year 1990 and lowest in the year 2000.

B) The percentage of students who dropped out of high school first fall below 5% is in the year is 1996

C) In 2007,4.8% of students dropped out of high school. In 2008 0.1% of students stayed in high school.