Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :

(a) LPG is a ......... fuel but biogas is not a..........fuel.

(b) Glaciers are a source of ...........

(c) One of the main aim of management of forests and wildlife is to conserve the ........... which we hav inherited.

(d) Khadin is a traditional ............ harvesting system in Rajasthan.

(e) When a fuel bums in an insufficient supply of air, then some poisonous gas called ........ is also produced.

a) LPG is a fossil fuel whereas biogas is a man made fuel. So the blank can be filled by ‘fossil’.

b) Water; Glaciers are dense ice and hence a source of water.

c) Biodiversity; Forests and wildlife constitute the biodiversity.

d) Water; Khadin is among the ancient water harvesting structures which was specifically used in Rajasthan.

e) Carbon dioxide; It is produced when a fuel is burned in insufficient supply of air.