Estimate each of the following by rounding off each number to nearest hundreds:

(a) 874 + 478

(b) 793 + 397

(c) 11244 + 3507

(d) 17677 + 13589

(a) Rounding off 874 to nearest hundred = 900

Rounding of 478 to nearest 100 = 500

900 + 500 = 1400

(b) Rounding off 793 to nearest hundred = 800

Rounding of 397 to nearest hundred = 400

800 + 400 = 1200

(c) Rounding off 11244 to nearest hundred = 11200

Rounding of 3507 to nearest hundred = 3500

11200 + 3500 = 14700

(d) Rounding off 17677 to nearest hundred = 17700

Rounding of 3507 to nearest hundred = 13600

17700 + 13600 = 31300