Visit a biogas plant and explore the possibility of establishing a community biogas plant in your region.

Biogas Plant => Biogas is a gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter Biogas is a renewable and flexible source of energy. The biogas plant converts the biogas produced by organic matter into energy, which can be used for cooking, heating, the production of electricity, as a transport fuel.

The working of biogas plant is as follows:

1. Organic input materials such as foodstuff remnants, fats or sludge, manure and dung is fed into the biogas plant as substrate.

2. The fermenter is heated to approx. 38-40 °C, the substrate is decomposed by the microorganisms under presence of light and oxygen. The final product of this fermentation process is biogas.

3. The biogas generated is stored in the roof of the tank and from there it is burned in the combined heat and power plant (CHP) to generate electricity and heat.

4. The electric power is fed directly into the power grid.

5. The heat generated can be utilized to heat building or to dry wood or harvest products.

The figure below shows the biogas plant.

Scope for Plant in My Area =>There is wide scope of establishment of biogas plant in my area because the ingredients required for the production of the biogas are available easily in my area.