Solve the crossword given as Figure 2.3.


1. Cream-coloured digestive gland - [pancreas]

3. Undigested excretory solid residues - [faeces]

4. Organ that mixes saliva with the food - [tongue]

5. Point of defecation - [anus]

7. Stored in gall bladder - [bile]

10. Finger-like outgrowth in the small intestine - [villi]

13. Kind of taste buds - [sour]

14. Kills bacteria in the stomach - [acid]


2. Feeds with the help of pseudopodia - [amoeba]

6. Total number of molars in one jaw of an adult - [six]

8. Largest gland - [liver]

9. Watery secretion in the mouth - [saliva]

11. A ruminant - [cow]

12. Form of food chewed by ruminants - [cud]