Fill in the blanks with the term that are listed below:
Anther, male, ovary, ovule, petals, pistil, stamen, filament, sepals, …….(a)…… . stamens and ….(b)…. Are the parts of a flower. Stamen is made up of …..(c)…. And …..(d)……. And it represent the ….(e) ….. part of the flower. The female part of the flower is called the ….(f)…. . The basal, swollen of the pistil is called the ….(g)…. Which contain the …..(h)…… .
(a) Petals
(b) Pistil
(c) Anther
(d) Filament
(e) Male
(f) Pistil
(g) Ovary
(h) Ovules