Given below is a list of different types of movement in animals.

Running, Jumping, Walking, Slithering,

Crawling, Flying, Swimming, Creeping

Write the type of movement seen in each animal.

(a) Duck

(b) Horse

(b) Kangaroo

(d) Snail

(e) Snake

(f) Fish

(g) Human beings

(h) Cockroach

(a) Duck – crawling (crawling movement occurs with legs)

(b) Horse – running/walking

(c) Kangaroo – Jumping

(d) Snail – creeping (creeping movement can occur with or without legs)

(e) Snake – Slithering (Slither means snake-like)

(f) Fish - Swimming

(g) Human beings – walking/running

(h) Cockroach – Flying