A coil is connected to a galvanometer. When the N-pole of a magnet is pushed into the coil, the galvanometer deflected to the right. What deflection, if any, is observed when:

(a) the N-pole is removed?

(b) the 5-pole is inserted?

(c) the magnet is at rest in the coil?

State three ways of increasing the deflection on the galvanometer.

(a) when the N-pole is removed the galvanometer is deflected to the left.

(b) the S-pole is inserted the galvanometer is deflected to the left.

(c) when the magnet is at rest in the coil No deflection in galvanometer is absorved.

three ways of increasing the deflection on the galvanometer are:-

1) Increase the number of turns in the coil.

2) Use a stronger magnet.

3) Increase the speed with which magnet is pushed into the coil (or removed).