Ishita observed a slide of eukaryotic cell under electron microscope. She complained that it contained structures showing rough uneven surfaces.

(i) Name the organelle observed by Ishita.

(ii) Why did she complain about rough surface?

(iii) What is the function of this organelle?

(iv)What values are shown by Ishita?

(i) The organelle observed by Ishita is Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER).

(ii) The rough surface of the organelle is due to the presence of ribsomes on it, which imparts are rough look to it.

(iii) The ribosomes on RER is associated with the manufacturing of proteins in the cell. And, the sending it to the site where they are needed.

(iv) It can be easily observed that Ishita is a keen learner who takes into account every little detail.