Complete the missing components/variables given as reactant and product in the following reactions:

(i) BaCl2 + 'X' +BaSO4

(ii) Cu + AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + 'Y'

(iii) CaCO3 CaO + CO2

(i) To get the missing component we have to think that in product we got sulphate salt (BaSO4) so in reactant there must be some other sulphate must be present so that double displacement reaction could happen.

So, the complete reaction is:

BaCl2 + ‘Na2So4 NaCl + BaSO4

(ii) In this reaction, we can clearly see displacement reaction is taking place in which copper displaces silver nitrate and forms copper nitrate and silver.

So, the complete reaction is: Cu + AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + 'Ag'

(iii) We can guess after seeing this reaction that it must be decomposition reaction as a single reactant breaks into 2 products bus there is only one thing missing i.e. heat is not written on the arrow now it is thermal decomposition reaction.

So, the complete reaction is: