In what ways damages are caused to the environment?

Damage to the environment is one of the biggest threats that are being looked at in the world today.

Environmental degradation can happen in a number of ways. When resources are exhausted, the environment is considered to be damaged or harmed.

The following factors damage the environment:

(a) Overpopulation: Rapid population growth demands more food, clothes, and shelter. This puts pressure on natural resources which damages our environment.

(b) Pollution: Air, water, land or noise pollution is harmful to the environment. Air pollution pollutes the air that we breathe which causes health issues. Water pollution degrades the quality of water that we use for drinking and other purposes.

(c) Deforestation: Rapid growth in population and industries are two of the major causes of deforestation. Deforestation contributes to global warming as decreased forest size puts carbon back into the environment.