Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational numbers will have a terminating decimal expansion or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion:












Factorize the denominator we get,

3125 = 5×5×5×5×5 = 55

The denominator is of the form 5m

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

8 = 2 × 2 ×2 = 23

The denominator is of the form 2m

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

455 = 5×7×13

Since, the denominator is not in the form of 2m × 5n, and it also contains 7 and 13 as its factors,

Its decimal expansion will be non-terminating repeating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

1600 = 26×52

The denominator is in the form 2m × 5n

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

343 = 73

Since the denominator is not in the form of 2m × 5n, it has 7 as its factors.

So, the decimal expansion of non-terminating repeating.


The denominator is in the form 2m×5n

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Since, the denominator is not in the form of 2m × 5n, as it has 7 in denominator.

So, the decimal expansion of is non-terminating repeating.


The denominator is in the form 5n

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

10 = 2×5

The denominator is in the form 2m×5n

Hence, the decimal expansion of is terminating.


Factorize the denominator we get,

30 = 2×3×5

Since the denominator is not in the form of 2m × 5n, as it has 3 in denominator.

So, the decimal expansion of non-terminating repeating.