‘’No party system is Ideal for all countries in all situation’’. Justify the statements with four arguments.

The political parties are not necessary for any country, but it is a leader who leads a nation.

1. Be it monarchy, autocracy or democracy, it is the leader of that nation who takes decisions for the nation.

2. There are many countries who have performed better than democratic nations in many aspects. These nations do not have political parties but has leader who takes decisions for the welfare of its citizens.

3. There are also monarch or autocratic countries who do not take care of their citizens and takes decisions against their welfare.

The Multiparty system was developed in India, due to its social and geographical diversity. This system has its own set of problems. No party system is ideal for all countries in all situations. Though we have many parties yet there are many problems that exists.

Hence we can say that any party system is not perfect, but it is the leaders who make it.