Discuss the board challenges to democracy.

The broad challenges to democracy are:

(i) Foundational Challenge: One-fourth of the world still doesn't have a democratic form of government. These countries face this challenge while changing into a democratic government. This involves major steps like establishing a sovereign state and mowing down the non-democratic authorities. Systems will take years to change as they have taken years to develop initially. Nepal, for instance, recently changed to democracy but is yet to develop in many ways.

(ii) Challenge of Expansion: The challenge of expansion is faced by most democracies because it involves giving greater power to the local governments, including women and minority groups, etc., thereby applying the principles of democracy to all regions, societies, and communities. In India, for instance, some economically backward communities are yet to get political powers which clearly demonstrate the challenge of expansion.

(iii) Deepening of Democracy: This challenge involves strengthening the organizations and practices of democracy, usually happening in a way that people can realize their expectations of it. Due to their varying expectations in different societies, however, it is becoming difficult especially in the case of elections.