A solution is to be kept between 86o and 95oF. What is the range of temperature in degree Celsius, if the Celsius (C)/Fahrenheit (F) conversion formula is given by

We have been given that, a solution is kept between 86° F and 95° F.

Let F1 = 86° F

And let F2 = 95°

The conversion formula is

We need to convert Fahrenheit into degree Celcius.

So, take F1 = 86° F

Using the formula, we have

C1 = 5 × 6

C1 = 30° C

Now, take F2 = 95° F

Using the formula, we have

C2 = 5 × 7

C2 = 35° C

Therefore, the range of temperature of the solution in degree Celsius is 30° C and 35° C.