The given slides A and B were identified by four students I, II III and IV as stated below:

I. Binary fission in Amoeba Daughter cells of Amoeba

II. Budding in yeast Buds of yeast

III. Binary fission in Amoeba Buds of yeast

IV. Budding in yeast Daughter cells of Amoeba

Of the above-mentioned identifications of slides A and B, which one is correct?

The correct answer is I. Binary fission in Amoeba and Daughter cells of Amoeba

The given diagram shows the parent amoeba which is dividing to form two daughter amoebas with two nuclei. And the second picture shows the two daughter amoeba after the process of binary fission.

Amoeba is a unicellular organism which divides by asexual method of reproduction called binary fission in normal conditions. After replicating its genetic material through mitotic division, the cell divides into two equal sized daughter cells.