Explain the nomenclature of Freon.

Freons are Chlorofluorocarbons which are made up of chlorine, carbon, and fluorine. When carbon tetrachloride reacts with hydrogen fluoride in the presence of SbCl5 then Freon-11 is formed.

CCl4 + HF CCl3F + HCl (in presence of SbCl5)

The system contains a body, CFC, a number, 01234, and an alphanumeric suffix, a: CFC-01234a

● The body stands for the group type

● The number stands for the molecular formula

● The suffix stands for different isomers


CFC-12b1 has no double bonds, only 1 carbon atom, no hydrogen atoms, 2 fluorine atoms, one chlorine atom replaced by bromine and no isomers = Bromochlorodifluoromethane

If it is a cyclic structure the number is prefixed with a "C" for cyclic. Sometimes some other bodies are found like FC (fluorocarbon), HC (Halocarbon) or R(refrigerant).