Find the number of words formed by permuting all the letters of the following words :


Since we know, Permutation of n objects taking r at a time is nPr,and permutation of n objects taking all at a time is n!

And, we also know Permutation of n objects taking all at a time having p objects of the same type, q objects of another type, r objects of another type is . i.e. the, number of repeated objects of same type are in denominator multiplication with factorial.

Given, the word CONSTANTINOPLE. It has 14 letters and it has 3 repeated letters ‘O’, ‘N,’ and ‘T.’ The letter O is repeated twice, the letter N is repeated thrice, and letter T is repeated twice. And all other letters are distinct.

The problem can now be rephrased as to find total number of permutations of 14 objects (C, O, N, S, T, A, N, T, I, N, O, P, L, E) of which two objects are of same type (O, O), three objects are of another type (N, N, N), and the two objects are of different type (T, T).

Total number of such permutations

= 3632428750

Hence, total number of permutations of the word CONSTANTINOPLE is 3632428750.