Why is James Prinsep’s contribution considered as a major turning point in early Indian history?
How were the coins used in the 1st century CE? Give two examples.
What do you mean by numismatics?
Why was the Mauryan empire regarded as a major landmark in early Indian history?
Mention any two features of the administrative system of the Mauryan Empire.
Mention some pieces of evidence which referred to Ashoka as the most popular ruler of the 6th century.
Historians have used a variety of sources to reconstruct the history of the Mauryan Empire. State these sources.
What is the role played by the coins in the decipherment of the Kharoshti script?
Explain how Prashastis have drawn factual information about the Gupta rulers.
Critically examine the limitations of the inscriptional evidence in understanding the political and economic history of India.
Explain briefly the notions of kingship during the Kushana and Gupta empire.
Describe briefly the sources used for reconstructing the history of the Gupta rulers.
Explain the main features of the Mauryan administration.
Explain the system of land grants and trade from 600 BCE to 600 CE.
What do Asokan inscriptions tell about the Mauryas? Describe the limitations of the inscriptional evidence.