Explain in short North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Why was Warsaw pact also called the Eastern Alliance?
What is Cold War? Explain in short.
Why has India refused to sign the CTBT?
Explain the objective of the New International Order.
What do you understand by balance of power?
Explain NAM. Who were the founders of NAM and which countries did they belong to?
‘Non Alignment does not imply neutrality or equidistance’. Explain.
What were the impacts of the end of Cold War.
What was the Cuban missile crisis?
Explain four objectives of NAM.
Why were most of the Non-Aligned countries categorised as an LDC?
Assess India’s role in Non-aligned movement.
What is meant by isolationism, neutralism and non-alignment?
Write a note on Non-Aligned Movement.
Mention the features of the Cold War.
Which two ideologies were involved in a conflict during the Cold War era?
Explain LTBT and NPT.
What is the relevance of NAM after the end of bipolar world?
What is the New International Economic Order? What role was played by it in changing NAM into an economic pressure group?
Why was the end of the Second World War considered to be the beginning of the Cold War?