Analyse in short how the introduction of the railways by the British proved advantageous for Indians in the late 19th century.
Where did the Lottery Committee initiated town planning during 18th century? Mention any one feature of it.
Why was the colonial government keen on mapping from the early years? Mention two reasons.
What do the terms “White” and “Black” Town signify?
How did prominent Indian merchants establish themselves in the colonial city?
What are the different colonial architectural styles which can be seen in Bombay city?
Why were the hill stations important for the colonial economy?
What were the new kinds of public places that emerged in the colonial city? What functions did they serve?
To what extent were social relations transformed in the new cities?
How were urban centres transformed during the eighteenth century?
A careful study of census reveals some fascinating trends of urbanisation in 19th century. Support the statement with facts.
Describe the characteristics of the public buildings built in the new classical style with special reference to ‘Town Hall’ of Bombay.